Contemporary African artist, Hussein Saidi, combines traditional African themes with modern style. He often focuses on community and family and, in his most recent exhibition, Saidi explored the nature of the human spirit. The works took on a surrealistic flair as he communicated people’s reactions to violence.
Previously, his artwork embodied two distinctive styles. His unique collages utilize natural materials such as banana tree bark, leaves and husks, combined in the traditional process, which takes meticulous workmanship. Each creation either shows a scene from daily life in Africa, or it shows “ujamaa,” which is Kiswahili for cooperation, unity in family, and in community life.
His contemporary paintings represent an abstracted form of “ujamaa.” These paintings utilize bold colors and shapes and they are lively, active and pure in emotion.
Saidi is originally from Tanga, Tanzania, on the east coast of Africa. He now lives in Maryland and, due to growing demand and increasing acclaim for his work, has recently devoted himself to his art on a full-time basis.
Goldman & Minton is proud to own a piece of his fine art work, the one shown here “Celebrate Life.”
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