The battle against international piracy and the struggle by writers, artists and content creators to earn a fair living from their work are not new problems. They did not arrive with the digital revolution, the rise of the internet or…
Model Releases: Who Needs Them and When are They Needed?
It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission. ~Grace Hopper Except when it isn’t. Whether a model release should be sought from the subject of a photo depends on what the ultimate use of the photo is…
Exploring Estate Planning Issues with The Creative Penn
The copyright in your work will outlive you by 70 years if you live in the United States, longer in some countries, shorter in others. Think of this extra time as a bonus, a kind of gift of longevity (at…
Book Cover Art: Ownership, Use & Copyright
Traditionally published authors typically have the cover art for their book designed by the publishing house. Sometimes, it’s more than just a contractual benefit, it’s an honor to have cover art designed by someone like Peter Mendelsund, for instance, whose…
Copyright and Estate Planning for Creative Professionals
The copyright in a creative work out lives the creator, generally by 70 years — which means that the work can continue to generate income long after the artist is gone. The business idea behind copyright is that a single…